The Truth and The BUT

Have you ever noticed that when we talk, we often say something, and then, without even a full breath, we immediately follow that up by saying something else that starts with BUT? Like this: “I really like your new friend, BUT …  “ Or this: “I was glad to help out, BUT… “ Maybe it goes […]

Removing All That Isn’t You

Anne Lamott, a brilliant person and writer, wrote an article for O Magazine a few years ago and talked about how to become the person you were meant to be. Something she said in the article has stuck with me through the years. She said, “To become the person you were meant to be, first, […]

Getting The Love You Want

It’s possible I’m a hopeless romantic. I love love. But, I’m not one bit on-fire for the kind of love that you go searching for “out there.”  Nope. That kind of love makes you graspy, needy, and comes from a place of lacking. Instead, the love that gets my juices going all crazy is love for […]

Compared To What?

Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Yeah, me too. Have you ever stopped to ask WHY you do this? What do you expect from this exercise? What possible outcome do you think you’re going to get? In this short video, I share my experience of asking those questions. Hope you like it and […]

Nobody But You

Life Coach Marion Youngblood

I copied this quote into a journal of mine well over a decade ago: “To be nobody – but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight – and never stop fighting.” […]