How Much Do You Respect The People In Your Life?

I’m going all Aretha Franklin on you this week. I’m talking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Specifically, I’m talking about just how much respect you have for the people in your life. And I mean ALL the people in your life. Your husband, wife, partner, brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, the cashiers at all the stores, the […]

Are You Where Kindness Lives?

My grandma used to say, “I’m tired of pussyfooting around!” She would be fed up with something and ready to go all-in when those words came from her mouth. I loved it because it meant something BIG was about to happen and she was going to be on-fire! Well, I’m right there right now in […]

So Much To Learn & Teach

I know that in last week’s post I asked you to remember just how much you know. And I meant it!  But this week, I am asking you to remember just how much you have left to learn. In fact, I want to encourage you to open up, as much as you possibly can, during this holiday season, because […]

Know What You Know

You know a lot. You truly do. If you allow yourself to stop and think about it, you are a bonafide expert on at least a topic or two. Face it. You may have gotten your expert knowledge by going to school, attending training or through hands-on experience. You could also simply know things from a place […]

Today Is Your “One More Day”

How many times have you heard it or said it? “If I could have just one more day with him or with her.” And the sentence usually continues with things like, “I’d tell them how special they were to me,” or “I’d let them know how much I appreciated them for all they did for […]