Hello New Year

It’s that time of year again. You know, out with the old and in with the new. Exciting times, right? Full of hope even. Well, I sure hope so. But just in case this time of year brings something other than, woo-hoo, bring it on 2014!, out in you, I totally understand! Sorry to be […]

The Holidays – On Purpose

They’re here! Of course I am talking about the holidays. And they are going to come and go whether we’re ready or not AND whether we enjoy them or not. I say let’s enjoy them. I also say let’s make the choice to experience them on purpose. As good as that sounds, does it maybe […]

Why Do We Make It About Us?

The salesperson taking my money for the boots I was buying could not have been more rude. She never once looked at me and rolled her eyes as I dropped one of the boots out of the box while putting them on the counter. She ripped the top off of the box as she checked […]

Are You Living On Auto-Pilot?

I’ve never seen the Auto-Pilot button inside of an airplane, but I know that pilots have access to them in some aircraft. Do you have an Auto-Pilot button when it comes to your life? Take a look at the video below and let me know what you think. Surprise, surprise, I have an opinion on […]

Removing All That Isn’t You

Anne Lamott, a brilliant person and writer, wrote an article for O Magazine a few years ago and talked about how to become the person you were meant to be. Something she said in the article has stuck with me through the years. She said, “To become the person you were meant to be, first, […]