The Important Thing Really Good & Really Bad Leaders Have In Common


I know, I know. There are HUGE differences between really good and really bad leaders.

But, there is something really important that they both have in common.

They have both made a choice to be the kind of leader they are.

The really good leader has chosen to be a purpose-driven leader. They have decided to do the work to connect the “why” of their organization to every single person, role and responsibility in their organization. They’ve done this because they know that employees who feel a sense of purpose, meaning and significance are more inspired, productive and creative. And they also know their employees will enjoy a greater sense of fulfillment because they are working on something they believe in.

The really good leader has also chosen to be a values-infused leader. They have decided to do the work to communicate and embody the values of the organization so that those values are the “living, breathing code for how things get done around here.” They’ve done this because they know that when people align around shared values, their hearts and minds are engaged, they trust and are trusted, and they have a deeper connection to what they can do to move the organization forward.  And they also know their employees will enjoy their work more when they are given freedom and autonomy.

The really good leader has chosen to form a team that is connected by shared purpose and values.

The really bad leader has chosen not to do the work to form this kind of team.

The really bad leader has chosen, instead, to believe their position of leader is the reason why people should listen to and follow their direction. To them, their position is the source of their power.

Each leader has made important choices.

That’s the only thing they have in common.

And there is no need to wonder which leader is having more fun and making a greater contribution. And perhaps even more important, which leader is making a greater difference in the lives of their employees. 

Which leader have you chosen to be?

Which leader do you report to?

I’d like to encourage you to choose to be a purpose-driven, values-infused leader.

I’d also like to encourage you, if you choose not to be, to change your title to better suit what you are actually doing. Because what you are doing has nothing to do with true leadership. You are simply overseeing, controlling and ruling. And you simply cannot do that to people and expect their best contribution. But, good news…you get to pick a new title for yourself! Have at it!

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