Unlived Life


As many of you know, I am a Martha Beck Life Coach In Training. For the record, I love it! Just last week a recorded coaching session done by a real live certified coach included the poem below by Dawna Markova.  I was so moved I immediately went to Google to locate the poem. (What […]

Where Is That Devil?

In the details!

I love shortcuts. I compare the feeling of finding a shortcut to that of finding a terrific bargain. It’s true. For example, when I find a way to shave eleven minutes off of the travel time to see my sister, by taking a back road that is a little more direct, I feel a physical […]

A Message To Anyone Hurt As A Kid

Perfection Within

There is not, and there never was, anything wrong with you. When you were a kid if you got the message that you were bad, that was not true. The message that you were not full of potential was not true either. And most of all, it was not true that you could not have […]

Are You Willing To Give What You Are Asking For?

If we want something from someone, or from the universe, or from the higher power we believe in, I think it should be a prerequisite that we be willing to give that same thing (whatever it is that we want) to others. If we want others to accept us for exactly who we are without […]

Do You Do?

Every now and again I am reminded that I need to ask more of myself. This reminder serves me well because it causes me to check in with myself and evaluate what I am not doing because I perceive the odds to not be in my favor. At these times it never fails that I […]