It’s Worth The Time

We are a bunch of time-stressed people. We talk about all the things we’d do if we just had more time. We leave things undone because we run out of time. We take shortcuts in an attempt to buy some extra time. We’re suffering and we need more time! It’s a fact that there are […]

Your Own Drum

my very own drums!

I got a great reminder of the need to follow the beat of my own drum yesterday. While out on a training run for a half marathon I am doing in October, I was running with my training buddy and she was super-juiced. It was wonderful to see her in such a great place and […]

Power To Change The World


We’ve all heard this, right? “Our words have power.” I remember hearing versions of that as a very young kid from my mom. I vividly remember one day in our kitchen when she told me that my words have the power to slice another person in half. In half. That was quite a visual for a young kid, and […]

What Is The Worst That Could Happen?

upside down!

My nephew gave new meaning to the question, “what is the worst that could happen?” when he was a student at my alma mater, NC State University. You see, although he was a great student and graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and even had a strong grade point average, he also excelled at […]

A Message To Anyone Hurt As A Kid

Perfection Within

There is not, and there never was, anything wrong with you. When you were a kid if you got the message that you were bad, that was not true. The message that you were not full of potential was not true either. And most of all, it was not true that you could not have […]