It’s Worth The Time

We are a bunch of time-stressed people. We talk about all the things we’d do if we just had more time. We leave things undone because we run out of time. We take shortcuts in an attempt to buy some extra time. We’re suffering and we need more time! It’s a fact that there are […]

Stop Spreading The News

Spewing Negatives!

Sorry Frank Sinatra fans, I want people to STOP spreading the news. That is, if their “news” is about all that is not right in their world. If you need to talk about how your partner, in-laws, ex-lovers, bosses past and present, friends, politicians and even your perfectly loveable pet are all making you miserable, […]

Open To Becoming


I get a physical rush of clear energy when a message hits my brain and I “get” it. It’s such a gift when that one piece of information finds its way in and then, seemingly in a flash, all the jagged and previously separate things I knew fit together and things just make sense. Some call […]

Power To Change The World


We’ve all heard this, right? “Our words have power.” I remember hearing versions of that as a very young kid from my mom. I vividly remember one day in our kitchen when she told me that my words have the power to slice another person in half. In half. That was quite a visual for a young kid, and […]

Turn Off Your Blinker


There I was, on Interstate 85 travelling to Durham from our home in Hillsborough, NC, and as I eased into the “comfort” of interstate driving (yes, I am kidding about that being comfortable) I found myself behind a car with the left turn blinker doing its thing …  blinking. As I traveled mile after mile, […]