It’s Worth The Time

We are a bunch of time-stressed people. We talk about all the things we’d do if we just had more time. We leave things undone because we run out of time. We take shortcuts in an attempt to buy some extra time. We’re suffering and we need more time! It’s a fact that there are […]

Knock Knock

Remember those wonderfully silly knock knock jokes we used to tell as kids? They were a way of life for my friends and me. My favorite went like this: Knock knock. Who’s there? Honey bee. Honey bee who? Honey bee a dear and bring me some chocolate! Of course, I could change out that last […]

Getting The Love You Want

It’s possible I’m a hopeless romantic. I love love. But, I’m not one bit on-fire for the kind of love that you go searching for “out there.”  Nope. That kind of love makes you graspy, needy, and comes from a place of lacking. Instead, the love that gets my juices going all crazy is love for […]

Underwater and Overwhelmed

upside down!

Most of us have felt overwhelmed at some point in our lives and no matter the circumstances that bring that feeling, it’s a safe bet that we would all agree that it’s an awful thing. The first time I remember feeling overwhelmed was when I was a budding adolescent at thirteen or fourteen years old […]

Making Life Better

There’s sunlight out there waiting

Yeah, yeah, I know. Life is complex and often complicated. Especially during the holidays. In the midst of the crazy pace and endless lists of things to do, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the frenzied whirlwind of our lives. So, I offer you the following five suggestions to help […]