Getting The Love You Want

It’s possible I’m a hopeless romantic. I love love. But, I’m not one bit on-fire for the kind of love that you go searching for “out there.”  Nope. That kind of love makes you graspy, needy, and comes from a place of lacking. Instead, the love that gets my juices going all crazy is love for […]

Where Are You Hanging Out and Who’s There?

Everything makes me more!

“Please be responsible for the energy you bring into this place.” Of all the things I have ever heard, that statement certainly makes my list of favorites. Thank you, Oprah. Here’s the thing…we are energetic beings. We are constantly emitting energy. We can’t help it. As long as we’re alive, we are sending out vibrations […]

Waiting For It


The waiting game. I’ve played it. A lot. I’ve even enjoyed it some of the time. Emphasis on some of the time. Certainly not all of the time. After all, who likes waiting? My cat Nemo, who is handsomely pictured here, loves to wait for a little while as I put my hand under the blanket […]

Nobody But You

Life Coach Marion Youngblood

I copied this quote into a journal of mine well over a decade ago: “To be nobody – but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight – and never stop fighting.” […]

From Within


Change is needed and needed right away. I think knowing ourselves needs to be one of those things that gets encouraged and taught and made routine from early childhood. I think it needs to be taught with the other important lessons like washing our hands after a bathroom visit, covering our nose and mouth when […]