3 Easy Gifts To Give

I wish you your best holiday season ever. And to help make it so, here are 3 very specific gifts that I hope you will give yourself and everybody else on your list. I call them easy because each one involves something you will, no doubt, be doing during the coming weeks. So, you’ll have […]

How Much Do You Respect The People In Your Life?

I’m going all Aretha Franklin on you this week. I’m talking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Specifically, I’m talking about just how much respect you have for the people in your life. And I mean ALL the people in your life. Your husband, wife, partner, brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, the cashiers at all the stores, the […]

Are You Where Kindness Lives?

My grandma used to say, “I’m tired of pussyfooting around!” She would be fed up with something and ready to go all-in when those words came from her mouth. I loved it because it meant something BIG was about to happen and she was going to be on-fire! Well, I’m right there right now in […]

So Much To Learn & Teach

I know that in last week’s post I asked you to remember just how much you know. And I meant it!  But this week, I am asking you to remember just how much you have left to learn. In fact, I want to encourage you to open up, as much as you possibly can, during this holiday season, because […]

Know What You Know

You know a lot. You truly do. If you allow yourself to stop and think about it, you are a bonafide expert on at least a topic or two. Face it. You may have gotten your expert knowledge by going to school, attending training or through hands-on experience. You could also simply know things from a place […]