Does This Make Sense?

There are things I do that make no sense. Not one bit of sense. Do you do things that make no sense? Like, do you talk down to yourself when you make a mistake, thinking that is going to help you feel better and have the energy to do better? That makes no sense. I […]

Are you pursuing joy or sadness?

What? Don’t be ridiculous. You think that’s a silly question up there? Who in their right mind would pursue sadness? Well, me for one. And it turns out that I’m not alone in my pursuit. Lots of people’s thoughts and actions are actually more aligned with sadness than joy. Now for sure, not one single […]

The Truth and The BUT

Have you ever noticed that when we talk, we often say something, and then, without even a full breath, we immediately follow that up by saying something else that starts with BUT? Like this: “I really like your new friend, BUT …  “ Or this: “I was glad to help out, BUT… “ Maybe it goes […]

Removing All That Isn’t You

Anne Lamott, a brilliant person and writer, wrote an article for O Magazine a few years ago and talked about how to become the person you were meant to be. Something she said in the article has stuck with me through the years. She said, “To become the person you were meant to be, first, […]

It’s Worth The Time

We are a bunch of time-stressed people. We talk about all the things we’d do if we just had more time. We leave things undone because we run out of time. We take shortcuts in an attempt to buy some extra time. We’re suffering and we need more time! It’s a fact that there are […]