Knock Knock

Remember those wonderfully silly knock knock jokes we used to tell as kids? They were a way of life for my friends and me. My favorite went like this: Knock knock. Who’s there? Honey bee. Honey bee who? Honey bee a dear and bring me some chocolate! Of course, I could change out that last […]

Getting The Love You Want

It’s possible I’m a hopeless romantic. I love love. But, I’m not one bit on-fire for the kind of love that you go searching for “out there.”  Nope. That kind of love makes you graspy, needy, and comes from a place of lacking. Instead, the love that gets my juices going all crazy is love for […]

Making Life Better

There’s sunlight out there waiting

Yeah, yeah, I know. Life is complex and often complicated. Especially during the holidays. In the midst of the crazy pace and endless lists of things to do, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the frenzied whirlwind of our lives. So, I offer you the following five suggestions to help […]

Compared To What?

Do you ever compare yourself to other people? Yeah, me too. Have you ever stopped to ask WHY you do this? What do you expect from this exercise? What possible outcome do you think you’re going to get? In this short video, I share my experience of asking those questions. Hope you like it and […]

It Goes Without Saying

Ever wondered what we really mean when we use the phrase, “it goes without saying?” I heard myself saying those words recently and decided to look at what the heck I meant. What I found out was that some of the things that were “going without saying” were the things I really wanted to say […]