What Will You Allow In The New Year?

They are all over the place right now. Those year-end reviews of the “best of” and “worst of” the past year. It’s entertaining for sure. But it’s mighty subjective and that got me thinking… What’s the best way for you and me to do our own year-end review? Well, with all the respect I can offer, […]

3 Easy Gifts To Give

I wish you your best holiday season ever. And to help make it so, here are 3 very specific gifts that I hope you will give yourself and everybody else on your list. I call them easy because each one involves something you will, no doubt, be doing during the coming weeks. So, you’ll have […]

Do You Mind Your Own Business?

For most of my life, the phrase “mind your own business,” has been full of negative energy and sharp barbs. Whether I was the one saying it or the one it was being said to, its full intention was to cause separation. The kind of separation that felt like a big, vault-sized door had been […]

How Much Do You Respect The People In Your Life?

I’m going all Aretha Franklin on you this week. I’m talking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Specifically, I’m talking about just how much respect you have for the people in your life. And I mean ALL the people in your life. Your husband, wife, partner, brother, sister, mother, father, aunt, uncle, the cashiers at all the stores, the […]

Are You Where Kindness Lives?

My grandma used to say, “I’m tired of pussyfooting around!” She would be fed up with something and ready to go all-in when those words came from her mouth. I loved it because it meant something BIG was about to happen and she was going to be on-fire! Well, I’m right there right now in […]