Know What You Know

You know a lot. You truly do. If you allow yourself to stop and think about it, you are a bonafide expert on at least a topic or two. Face it. You may have gotten your expert knowledge by going to school, attending training or through hands-on experience. You could also simply know things from a place […]

Today Is Your “One More Day”

How many times have you heard it or said it? “If I could have just one more day with him or with her.” And the sentence usually continues with things like, “I’d tell them how special they were to me,” or “I’d let them know how much I appreciated them for all they did for […]

Are You Honoring Yourself?

Warning: I use some sports analogies in this post, but you don’t have to be “sporty” to appreciate them, promise! Last week gave us several particularly poignant displays that showed, in my opinion, a lack of honor. I get turned all inside-out when I see things like this because I know how much damage can […]

Beginnings and Endings and The Stuff In The Middle

I witnessed an absolutely beautiful “beginning” a few days ago as I attended a family member’s wedding and saw the marriage of two wonderful souls. I watched the groom’s eyes light up as he caught his first glimpse of his soon-to-be wife walking down the aisle. I could see and feel the excitement and love […]

The Most Important Requirement For Loving Your Life

Seems the message is out there and we can’t outrun it: You are supposed to love your life. Tony Robbins has been telling us for decades to wake up the sleepy giant within us and live with passion. Oprah told us, for years and years, that we can create a life we love and she […]