Your Own Drum

my very own drums!

I got a great reminder of the need to follow the beat of my own drum yesterday. While out on a training run for a half marathon I am doing in October, I was running with my training buddy and she was super-juiced. It was wonderful to see her in such a great place and […]



I find that a lot of people I encounter take a lot of things seriously. I certainly take a lot of things seriously. According to, when something is serious it is important, or grave, or critical, or somber. Now that is heavy stuff! And when we take something seriously it means that we deliberately concentrate […]

Too Simple


I had to laugh a little as I walked away from a nice visit with someone who happens to be a very successful and prominent business leader in the Triangle Region of North Carolina. This guy is a brilliant businessman, and he knows his stuff when it comes to his line of work. He also […]

Turn Off Your Blinker


There I was, on Interstate 85 travelling to Durham from our home in Hillsborough, NC, and as I eased into the “comfort” of interstate driving (yes, I am kidding about that being comfortable) I found myself behind a car with the left turn blinker doing its thing …  blinking. As I traveled mile after mile, […]

Declare Your Independence

I go where I take me

We just celebrated Independence Day here in the USA and I find it so easy to be in awe of our founding fathers. They stood up and said “ENOUGH!” when they felt that the rights of people were being trampled upon. To me, that is truly awesome and inspiring. Their actions took courage and there […]