Do You Like Pina Coladas?


I am aware that I am giving away a lot about myself with this article. I am OK with that because there’s an important message and it’s worth sharing so I am willing to expose myself. Last weekend, while travelling to see my sister I was jamming to the 70’s on my satellite radio and […]

It’s Worth The Time

We are a bunch of time-stressed people. We talk about all the things we’d do if we just had more time. We leave things undone because we run out of time. We take shortcuts in an attempt to buy some extra time. We’re suffering and we need more time! It’s a fact that there are […]

Stop Spreading The News

Spewing Negatives!

Sorry Frank Sinatra fans, I want people to STOP spreading the news. That is, if their “news” is about all that is not right in their world. If you need to talk about how your partner, in-laws, ex-lovers, bosses past and present, friends, politicians and even your perfectly loveable pet are all making you miserable, […]

Open To Becoming


I get a physical rush of clear energy when a message hits my brain and I “get” it. It’s such a gift when that one piece of information finds its way in and then, seemingly in a flash, all the jagged and previously separate things I knew fit together and things just make sense. Some call […]

Your Own Drum

my very own drums!

I got a great reminder of the need to follow the beat of my own drum yesterday. While out on a training run for a half marathon I am doing in October, I was running with my training buddy and she was super-juiced. It was wonderful to see her in such a great place and […]